I live in a town full of subsistence farmers. Some of them have supplementary income sources, but their primary food source is the corn that they grow on their mountain fields. I do not have my own cornfield, but I sometimes accompany my friends when they go out to cultivate their land. The...
"To arouse one man or woman to the tremendous power of prayer for others is worth more than the combined activity of a score of average Christians." —A.J. Gordon
"Imagine that everyone quits working right now. What happens? Civilized life quickly melts away. Food vanishes from the shelves. Gas dries up at the pumps. Streets are no longer patrolled and fires burn themselves out. Communication and transportation services end and utilities go dead. Those...
“To reach people that no one is reaching you have to do things that no one is doing.” —Craig Groeschel
"Missionary zeal does not grow out of intellectual beliefs, nor out of theological arguments, but out of love.” —Roland Allen
In our weekly prayer time over the phone this morning, a member shared this excerpt from a letter by Ignatius, a disciple and church leader on his way to martyrdom in the early second century.
What can stop us, when the kingdom of God and His righteousness is our passion!
“Let me put it this way: God will do, as a result of the praying of the humblest one here what otherwise He would not do.” —S. D. Gordon
Be Thou, oh Father, my strength for the way,
Guide me with wisdom and be Thou my stay.
Open the door and let no delay,
Help us reach heathen,
While yet it is day.
Be Thou, oh Savior, my Word and my Life,
Thy Word incarnate keep me from sin’s strife....
“We are left with the reality that Jesus cared about all the problems of a person. He cares about what people care about and He wants us to care about it too." —Billy North
"Little by little the enemy wants to pull us away. Instead of your relationship with the Lord being the priority of your heart, other things—ministry, people, responsibilities—now occupy the center. If the sanctuary of your heart becomes a marketplace of business, that is a frightening spiritual...