“Christ wants not nibblers of the possible, but grabbers of the impossible.” —C.T. Studd
"No one is advocating 'slow' for the sake of slow. But when 'slow' allows people to know the God of the universe who sent his Son to die for sinners, I’m willing to proceed as slowly as necessary." —Brad Buser
"Translating the Bible into the common language of common people is an uncommon challenge that produces an uncommon reward."—William Barrick
"Beware in your prayers, above everything else, of limiting God, not only by unbelief, but by fancying that you know what He can do. Expect unexpected things above all that we ask or think." —Andrew Murray
“The home church on her knees, fasting and praying, is the great base of spiritual supplies, the sinews of war, and the pledge of victory in this dire and final conflict. Financial resources are not the real sinews of war in this fight. Machinery in itself carries no power to break down heathen...
"If you say, 'I want to be a missionary, but I'm not really interested in the church,' you're saying you have better ideas than God does." —Trip Lee
"The Church, wherever it is, is not only Christ's witness to its own people and nation, but also the home base for a mission to the ends of the earth." —Lesslie Newbigin
"Christian faith rests on a divine act of translation. ‘The Word became flesh and dwelt among us’ (John 1:14). Any confidence we have in the translatability of the Bible rests on that prior act of translation. There is a history of translation of the Bible because there was a translation of the...
“If you are ever inclined to pray for a missionary, do it at once, wherever you are. Perhaps he [or she] may be in great peril at that moment.” —Amy Carmichael
"Bible translation matters because people value their languages and culture. But even more importantly, God values people along with their languages and culture.” —Eddie Arthur