Discovering the All-Nations Vision
The Bible shows that God desires to dwell among His people and display His glory through them. After Adam’s fall, all the way to Revelation 22, we see our Creator’s passion to dwell once again with humanity, that He might be our God and that we might be His people.
Under the old covenant, God’s glory descended and filled the tabernacle. As the new covenant came into effect, the believers were “all together in one place… and great grace was upon them all” as God’s Spirit came and dwelt in the community of believers!
God still dwells in the midst of His people, with a focus on the local church—a community of His redeemed people demonstrating His gracious rule to their society. Our Father’s heart still yearns for this reality among every “tribe and tongue and people and nation.”
Through His Son’s triumphal death, God made possible what He promised in Genesis: that through Abraham’s descendant(s) blessing would reach all the nations! That’s still in progress today as people from new language groups meet the Lord Jesus, repent of their sins, surrender to Him, and are born again by His Spirit to walk in newness of life.
Our Vision:
Communities of believers in every language group living out the Word of God
- “Believers,” because those redeemed by Jesus’ blood are people of individual faith.
- “Communities,” because God has designed that believers live out their faith together.
- “Every language group,” because He is worthy to be worshiped by the whole human race.
- “Living out,” because people set apart to God love to do His will and reflect His glory.
- “The Word of God,” because God has spoken. But without His Word in their language, how will they know what He has said, and how can they grasp that He said it to them?
That is why we at All-Nations do what we do. May the Lamb who was slain receive the reward of His suffering, even if it be through our suffering.