Vision, Mission, Core Values
Why does an organization need to work so hard to communicate clear vision? Didn’t we already have a vision and mission from the beginning of All-Nations Bible Translation?
The vision for All-Nations was strong in 2010, and it still is. But since that, almost 10 years later, we have sensed a need to further clarify that vision. We came to realize that we must determine what our “laser focus” needs to be, as we seek to continue answering the fundamental question of why All-Nations Bible Translation exists.
The overarching vision, mission, and core values of All-Nations can be articulated as follows:
Our Vision:
Communities of believers in every language group living out the Word of God
Communities: not just individuals, but just like in the book of Acts, groups gathered together, breaking bread from house to house, continuing daily in the Apostles doctrine, and fellowship, and prayers.
Believers: there is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved—Jesus Christ the Lord.
Every language group: many languages remain unreached; they have no scriptures in their own language and instead must use a language of wider communication if desiring to access God’s Word.
Living out the Word of God: not everyone who says ‘Lord, Lord’ shall enter the kingdom but he who does the will of my Father—teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.
Our Mission:
We partner with churches to send teams who facilitate Bible translation and community development while working to establish indigenous churches.
Teams: Teams are sent ultimately to make disciples of Jesus and plant local churches. Every team member is involved with church planting.
Bible Translation: Church-planting teams include members trained to work with mother-tongue speakers in translating Scripture into their language and making it available in accessible formats.
Community Development: Church-planting teams include members trained to help the people identify and develop God-given resources in areas including agriculture, economics, and health. Teams also facilitate literacy initiatives.
Indigenous Churches: The overarching goal of all efforts is a maturing church that is set apart to God yet reproducible within its cultural context.
How core values help us navigate: It has been suggested that “vision” answers the question of why an organization exists; it is the ultimate destination. The “mission” of an organization answers the question of what an organization does and shows the pathway that must be traveled in order to reach the vision or destination. Then finally, the “core values” of an organization answer the question of how the pathway or roadmap must be traveled as we navigate toward that destination.
Our Core Values:
Tradition and Innovation
Embracing our Anabaptist heritage, acknowledging its values and strengths,
while stepping forward boldly to take new territory in Jesus’ name.
Humility and Confidence
Prayerfully dependent on God, acknowledging our inadequacy and the impossibility of the vision,
yet assured of God’s call to make disciples of Jesus in every nation and to equip his people for the task.
Collaboration and Conviction
Working together with others, acknowledging that we are not called to work alone,
but willing to stand alone for values that honor our Lord Jesus and His Word.
Will you help us take the name of Jesus to those who have never heard? Maybe God is calling you to participate in some way? Revelation 7:9 tells us that one day all nations and languages and tongues will be gathered before the throne to worship God throughout eternity. Let’s labor together for the fulfillment of that vision!
—Joel Martin
Watch our new videos about All-Nations' vision, mission, and core values!