Not our normal project, but a crucial team
The team at the Colombia base supports the work of All-Nations teams among language groups of Colombia and surrounding regions. They are available to assist with immigration and travel, provide lodging and language-learning opportunities, and help develop strategies for engaging people groups around them.
A church in Virginia has sent one All-Nations-supported family to Colombia. This family helped lead the way in research and exploration in Colombia for over three years while leading a Spanish-language church plant effort. In 2019, they relocated to a town in the southern jungle region. There they will provide logistical support and a launch base for other teams headed to outlying communities, while seeking other ways to serve the indigenous peoples of the region.
Another family is needed soon for the team at the Colombia base. A focus of this family would be research and pilot projects of community development opportunities for church planting/Bible translation teams in the region.
Link to the only current project in the region: The Ahsatdah Project. More teams are needed!
Get the PRAYER LIST: Colombia's Neediest Peoples
If you wish to donate for the Colombia Base, you may use the form below or mail us a check payable to All-Nations and earmarked “Colombia Base.” Send checks to All-Nations Bible Translation, 150 All Nations Lane, State College, PA 16801.
To begin a sponsorship for the Colombia Base, choose the “monthly” option in the form below, or earmark your check “Colombia Base.” We will send you a prayer card and an occasional picture update about the Colombia Base.