One afternoon I hiked ten minutes to our neighbors to ask if I could buy some goat manure. We wanted to plant a small garden plot and some fertilizer would be a help. When I arrived, I noticed his wife who only speaks Tarahumara sitting outside, but the man was nowhere around. I said the usual greetings and commented about the weather, but then I had a problem. I didn’t know the word for manure, and I didn’t know the tense to say I would like to buy…. I was planning that the man would be there and I could have communicated those things in Spanish, but instead I returned home without any fertilizer which went against my desires for good time management. Needless to say, I was a little frustrated! Why? Because I’m human!
Ester has been showing interest in the gospel. After my teammate prayed for her, she claimed her anger problem was a lot less. She attended several Bible studies and carefully listened to every word that was preached. Now for the last two weeks she hasn’t come. I start to worry and doubt. Was she really showing interest in the gospel? Did we do something to offend her? Why do I have all these emotions over one person showing interest in the gospel? Because I’m human!
I glanced at the clock. The morning was flying by, and I wasn’t reaching around. I had promised to take a look at my neighbor’s chainsaw. I needed to listen to some of the audio recordings I had from yesterday and prepare a plan for today’s language session. Oh, and my wife would appreciate if I connected the water hose so that there is enough water to do laundry today. I surveyed my cluttered desk feeling overwhelmed … Because I’m human.
I sat down at my desk. Now I’ll study! But from the next room the sounds of happy play had now changed its tune. “Hopefully my wife is close by,” I thought. Then I remembered that I had promised to keep an eye on them while she went on some errand. Why can’t they just get along rather than fighting over such petty things? Because my children are human.
I have met people that imply that missionaries have reached some plateau of grace above struggle. Surely God is using Bible translators and church planters so mightily that their lives are void of problems and struggles. Just read a few missionary stories. The accounts awe you. Can’t you see the perfection in their lives and the mighty hand of God directing them? … But we are human. We are prone to failure just like you are. At times we become frustrated. Other times we get lonely. Sometimes we desire the normal life in “the States.” Pray for us and our work! Send us an encouraging note or message. Give us a call and ask how we are doing today. But don’t expect that we are perfect because… We are human.
—David S, Tarahumara team