Why is it important for people to have access to the Scriptures in their heart language? Let us consider three reasons.
1. To have a proper understanding of God. God has chosen to reveal Himself to humanity through the written Word illuminated by the Holy Spirit. As we know, heathen people always have a distorted view of God. Many imagine there to be many gods, often represented by idols. Their concept of deities is usually similar to their own sinful lives.
So, for people to properly approach God and serve Him, it is imperative that they have a proper understanding of who God is.
The Bible gives us a progressive revelation of God. It begins with Creation, then builds on its own foundation piece by piece to show us a revelation of God's character and attributes.
Some missionaries have attempted to teach converts from a heathen background through an interpreter. This is good as far as it goes but often yields frustrating results in the long run. The Bible story grows piece by piece, and it's difficult to transmit the "big picture" when working through an interpreter. Personally, I have observed tribal people struggling to understand the book of Job when reading it in a language other than their mother tongue. (It's hard enough for me to understand in English!)
The next best option is for the missionary to learn the native language fluently and then teach the Bible orally. This, of course, is much better than working through an interpreter. But what happens when the missionary leaves? Besides, it's usually not possible for the missionary to teach the converts every day. If they have the Scriptures translated into their own heart language, they have the potential of growing every day in their understanding of God!
2. To understand God's covenant. God has always worked with his people through covenants. Starting with Adam and Eve, God clearly communicated His will for their lives, rules for their behavior, and rewards or punishments according to their obedience or disobedience. Throughout the whole Bible, the pattern is the same. This is especially clear in the story of the Israelites who were chosen to be the guardians of the written Word of God. In fact, our Bibles are divided into two parts called the Old and New Testaments. The word testament means basically the same thing as covenant.
God's covenant with the church is fixed and will never change. The better we understand His covenant relationship with us, the better we will be able to fulfill our part of the covenant. For anyone to properly understand God's covenant, it is important to understand the Biblical "big story." This is so much easier if one has the Scriptures in his own mother tongue.
3. To understand how to obey God properly. This is directly tied to the above two points. Unless one understands God's character and His covenant, it will be impossible to know how to obey Him.
Throughout the Scriptures, we see a clear pattern among believers. First, there is a clear understanding of God and His will. Next, faith takes root in the heart. Then faith expresses itself in obedience. And lastly, God rewards the obedience.
When sincere people have access to the Word of God in their native language, they experience conviction of sin and faith in the redeeming, transforming power of God!
God has blessed us with the privilege of having His written Word. Let's be faithful in doing all we can to help others enjoy the same privilege.
"The greatest missionary is the Bible in the mother tongue. It needs no furlough, and is never considered a stranger." - William Cameron Townsend
—Elisha Byler, church planter among the Tarahumara