Two families, one from Wisconsin and one from Virginia, discovered urgent needs among the Takuba people. Their adventure began during their time in Ghana on SENT II when their attention shifted to the needs of a region in West Africa. As they explored this country open to mission work, they found it had only a tiny Christian population. After two years of training in Ghana, and more exploration in the country of their destination, they sensed tremendous opportunity in this region.
Upon their arrival in 2016, they faced the challenge of choosing a people group and a specific language to focus on. Through conversations and guidance from seasoned missionaries, they settled on the Takuba, a tribe with millions of people with only a few believers among them. Despite initial disappointments, their involvement in community development and a savings group program began to bear fruit, not just financially, but also in changing people's perceptions of Christianity.
The need for an updated Takuba Bible translation soon became apparent to further advance God's kingdom among this people group.
“Takuba” (tah-KOO-bah) is a code name used for security reasons.
If you wish to donate for the Takuba project, you may use the form below or mail us a check payable to All-Nations and earmarked “Takuba project.” Send checks to All-Nations Bible Translation, 150 All Nations Lane, State College, PA 16801.
To begin a sponsorship for the Takuba project, choose the “monthly” option in the form below, or earmark your check “Takuba sponsorship.” We will send you a prayer card and an occasional picture update about the Takuba project.