Along the Waspuk River in Nicaragua the Mayangna have lived for centuries. Ben, a young man with a burden for the Mayangna, first contacted them around the year 2000. He soon discovered a hoard of Bibles in the Mayangna language—but they were stored in the capital city hundreds of miles away! With the help of Christian Aid Ministries and other Mennonite brothers, these Bibles were purchased and distributed to every Mayangna community.
However, over years of usage, weaknesses and translation problems have become apparent in the current Mayangna Bible. A new translation is desperately needed, and to that end All-Nations supports this project which includes Ben, his Mayangna wife, and her family members—all reputable believers and experienced translators.
Due to unstable conditions in the region, none of the team is able to live in Nicaragua at this time. Ben and his wife are currently in the States, dedicating much time to translation with help from All-Nations, and with the blessing and support of their sending church in Washington. Through the blessing of electronic communication and occasional visits, they are able to collaborate with team members living in another Central American country. In 2022, a new translation member joined the team, and God brought an American brother to assist in various ways.
The Mayangna face many challenges, not the least of which is the threat of having their land taken from them. In 2021, several community leaders were taken away, and are still unjustly imprisoned. Pray that in times of crisis the Mayangna people will find God. And please pray for the translation team as they struggle to make progress amid all the challenges.

If you wish to donate for the Mayangna project, you may use the form below or mail us a check payable to All-Nations and earmarked “Mayangna project.” Send checks to All-Nations Bible Translation, 150 All Nations Lane, State College, PA 16801.
To begin a sponsorship for the Mayangna project, choose the “monthly” option in the form below, or earmark your check “Mayangna sponsorship.” We will send you a prayer card and an occasional picture update about the Mayangna project.