"We must allow the infallible guide, the Word of truth, to inform our theology, which will inform our missiology, which will inform our methodology." —Brooks Buser
"We must allow the infallible guide, the Word of truth, to inform our theology, which will inform our missiology, which will inform our methodology." —Brooks Buser
“God gave us the Bible that we might know Him and make Him known. Making God known is what missions is all about.” —M. David Sills
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted" —Albert Einstein
“Our mother tongue is the language in which God speaks to each of us.
“I have here translated, brethren and sisters most dear and tenderly beloved in Christ, the New Testament, for your spiritual edifying, consolation, and solace.” —William Tyndale
"A vision without a task is but a dream; a task without a vision is but drudgery; a vision and a task is the hope of the world." —Inscription on a church building in Sussex, England, ca. 1730
"God can do more in 10 minutes of our praying than we can do in 10 years of our working." —Finny K.
"Men do not reject the Bible because it contradicts itself, but because it contradicts them." —E. Paul Hovey
"Our motivation and vision for mission start with the incarnate Christ, bursting upon history holding nothing back but emptying himself and eventually submitting to death on a cross.
"There will be no more need for translation when languages stop changing, when each generation is the same as the last, when everyone has all they need. Not ‘Christ won’t return until translation is done’ but ‘translation work won’t be done until Christ returns.’" —Peter Brassington