by the Wagoners
Teaming up for God's work
The Mixtec team is currently at the ABT base for Phase II Training, the last phase of training before heading to the field. Some of the topics of discussion for these few weeks together include: team dynamics, missionary formation, vision and strategy development, Bible translation issues, and indigenous church planting principles. We are learning about a wide variety of subjects, ranging from how to deal with team conflict to how to respond to crisis situations on the field. Our prayer is that God would take the diversity of giftings, interests and personalities represented within our team and unify us in the calling of making Christ know to the Mixtecs of Mexico.
Note: Although the Wagoner's have been in Mexico since 2015, they returned to join their new teammates for part of Phase II Training. The Hege family, sent by a church in Pennsylvania, and the Flory family, sent by the Wagoner's home church in Washington, plan to be in Mexico by the end of the year, Lord willing.
God at work in a Mixtec team mate
Our co-translator, a Mixtec man, is currently working at drafting the Gospel of Matthew in our absence. His joining the team has been a true answer to prayer, and we are amazed as we look back over the ways God has equipped him and propelled him toward the work of translation. Recently, he asked us if we are able to interpret dreams, and proceeded to share a dream he had the night before: “My wife and I were standing on a hillside, gathering wheat into bundles and tying them up. What does this dream want to say?” We replied that God is the one who interprets dreams, but at times He allows us to understand the interpretation. “Perhaps," we said, “the dream means that God has called you to share His Word with your people.”
It is exciting to see the Scriptures confronting some of this man's beliefs as He works with the Word on a daily basis. Whether he is on the edge of his seat and trembling with excitement as Jesus confronts a demon, or gasping audibly when Peter tells Cornelius not to worship him, as he is just a man, our co-translator is beginning to apply these truths to real-life situations that he faces on a daily basis. It presents a call to us, as those who have heard the Scriptures from little up, that we would receive the Word of God as those who are hearing it for the first time.