“So often when I read the Bible in Hausa or English, there are words I don’t understand. But now that I’m reading it in my own language, it just goes straight in!” —African believer
Most often, it is in the context of teaching, preaching, and fellowship with others that people are persuaded to change their beliefs and behavior. For Bible translation to achieve its ultimate goal, it needs to be carried out as a part of a larger communication strategy of the church. —Harriet...
"Without translation there would be no Christianity or Christians. Translation is the church’s birthmark as well as its missionary benchmark: the church would be unrecognizable or unsustainable without it." ~ Lamin Sanneh
"There's only one thing worse than being lost and that is being lost and having no one trying to find you." —David Platt
"I marvel greatly, dearly beloved in Christ, that any man would ever contend or speak against having the scripture available in every language for every man." —William Tyndale
"The goal of our mission is not that everyone has an opportunity to hear the gospel. That’s only a step towards the actual goal of making disciples of all nations." —CC
“The translation principle explicitly rejects the idea, enshrined in Christendom, that Christianity has a definitive cultural expression, that non-Christian peoples must embrace another culture as a condition for salvation.” —Jehu Hanciles
"Satan may build a hedge about us and fence us in and hinder our movements, but he cannot roof us in and prevent our looking up."—Hudson Taylor
"Being genuinely at home among a people and in a culture is a necessary condition for the authenticity of the Gospel wherever it is preached. Failing this, the profession of the Christian faith remains only a veneer, sooner or later to wear out." —Laurenti Magesa
"The mission of God is the commitment of God to make Himself known to His creation ultimately for the purpose of redeeming and restoring all creation to its right relationship with God." —Christopher Wright