Camp Week, we say, is about three things:
A thriving church is simply “a body of disciples making disciples.”
—Ian Fallis
Like many events this year, EXPLORE 2020 was cancelled. We missed that opportunity to share with many of you the end of May. But you can still set aside a little time to refresh your vision for God's glory among the nations.
We've collected eight sessions from last year's EXPLORE event...
"God does not carry out mission by commissioning a roster of individual contractors, instead, he adopts a family and incorporates them into his family business of blessing the world." —Michael Goheen
"For every thousand people hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root." —Henry David Thoreau
Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it (Ps 127:1).
It’s been over a year now that we’ve been laboring and at times we’ve found ourselves wondering—will this project ever really happen? Finally, it is actually happening. Praise the Lord!
“If we believe that God is the Creator and Lord of history, of peoples, languages and cultures, then we must believe that his Word is not only true, but also promotes justice, liberating the weak and oppressed, and is communicable to the heart of every person, addressed to every human being.” —...
Recently I went with one of my local friends, Mr. W, who works for the department of transportation, to learn about beekeeping with local stingless bees. We met with Mr. X who has a lot of colonies of these bees. I bought two hives from him. He told me he also had some Asian hive bees (which...
"The way in which God pulled the Bible together is altogether remarkable. He could have written the words himself, or he could have given us a definitive list of what to include and what not to include. Instead, the relational God embarked on a process that took over a thousand years; to work...
Our Eleventh Hour?
The global events during the past couple of months, and more recently the events of the past couple of weeks in our own nation, make us realize as never before the vulnerable nature of civilization as we’ve known it. Some...