You read the Word of God daily and study it regularly. You believe it, and even stake your life on it. It’s the truth and nothing but the truth!
But what about those who stake their lives on something else?
Have you ever met someone who laughed at the idea of taking "that ancient and outdated Book" seriously? “Wake up, this is the 21st century! Science has proven that old Book wrong over and over again.”
Or perhaps in a quiet moment you’ve pondered, How did the books of the Bible get chosen? Was the system rigged?
Or maybe you've wondered how you can show someone the difference between the Bible and the Quran. How do we know the Bible alone is authoritative and trustworthy?
There are answers to questions like these!
God’s Word: Enduring through the Ages is a two-hour film series featuring minister and apologist Paul Shirk, All-Nations advisor and Bible teacher Joe Root, and Wycliffe Bible translator Adam Boyd. Follow along as Paul, Joe, and Adam explore historical and archaeological evidence for the Bible’s inspiration, preservation, and canonization.
Inspiration: Can we be sure the Bible is the inspired truth of God? Can the existence of biblical events and people be corroborated by sources outside the Bible?
Preservation: How was the Bible passed down to us over the millennia? Was any of it corrupted?
Canonization: Is our modern-day Bible different from what the early church used? Is there more to the Bible than the 66 books we use?
And don’t forget the power of the Gospel to change lives! The film shares about real people whose lives God touched through His Word.
Note: Go to the bottom of this page for more options:
- to view the entire two-hour film without breaking between sections
- to request a DVD of the film
"Let no one cause to depart from the standard that is laid through the letter of the Scripture which is revealed by the blood of Christ and of many witnesses of Jesus." —Michael Sattler
Session 1: Evidence of the Divine INSPIRATION of the Bible, Part 1
INSPIRATION, Part 2: Unique Message and Content
INSPIRATION, Part 3: Account of the Origin of the Cosmos
INSPIRATION, Part 4: Testimony of Archaeology
Session 2: Evidence of the Divine PRESERVATION of the Bible
Session 3: Evidence for the Divine CANONIZATION of the Bible
Session 4: Evidence of the Divine POWER AND INFLUENCE of the Bible
Filmed and edited by Bronze Bow Media and Allen Studio Pictures
Graphic Design by Olive Tree Studios
Click below to view the whole two-hour film without breaking between sections.
Read our Translation Philosophy
Why do Christians translate their holy book when some religions do not? Can Scriptures translated into another language still be the Word of God? Is God's Word too holy for some languages? Why are we sure that Bible translation must happen?
All-Nations has developed a philosophy of Bible translation to answer questions like these. Read it to understand why we believe the Bible can and should be translated, and why this can never be a stand-alone project.
Read our Translation Philosophy on the blogClick here for a downloadable version