“God gave everyone the capacity to communicate His message.” —Mark Cain
Today the ABT Exec Team had the privilege of visiting several of our members-in-training at Wayumi. This week-long course provides a thorough introduction to the big picture of church planting and Bible translation and is taught by instructors who bring years worth of experience from the field...
“Translation needs to be at the heart of the way we use and think about language. It reveals and relishes difference while also bridging it. It recognizes that Babel was as much a blessing as a curse." —Matthew Reynolds
Into the Jungle!
Join us in praying today and over the next several days as an *ABT member and his son, along with several other men, head into the *jungles to learn more about a *couple specific language groups. With several flights, long boat rides, and around a hundred miles of hiking...
All-Nations Translation Philosophy, Part 1 of 5
Why do Christians translate their holy book when some religions do not? Can Scriptures translated into another language still be the Word of...
"If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause that a boy that driveth a plow shall know more of the Scriptures than thou dost." —William Tyndale
Would you like to know more about William Tyndale and other men whose hearts burned to see the Bible translated into the vernacular? You...
ABT is honored to support the work of Instructor Joseph Neill at the Biblical Greek Program.
Would you like to read the New Testament in the very words in which it was written?
Now is your opportunity to get started! We are excited to announce that we plan to run...
Last week we enjoyed meeting with the Berea congregation in northern Indiana. Though none of us knew it three years ago, when they agreed to send Sister A. to work in Bible translation, they opened themselves to supporting ABT’s likely first literacy consultant. Our encounter with this sending...
"The greatest missionary is the Bible in the mother tongue. It never needs a furlough, and is never considered a foreigner." —William Cameron Townsend
In the beginning of February, I had the privilege of visiting the beautiful, diverse continent of Africa for 10 days. Since part of my job description with ABT includes being the Field Director for our African work, I was commissioned by the board to take in a conference in...
Where are All-Nations projects?
Where are All-Nations projects?