by the Wagoners
Teaming up for God's work
Today was a day of contingency training with Reagan, about "Risk and Incident" management. This day of training, unlike most, includes concepts that we hope the team never needs to practice! It included some very practical guidance and preparation for responding to hostage threats or incidents....
As we near 2020, the need for office and meeting space looms large. But also within view is the building we worked hard to plan for. Lord willing, this building will serve ABT’s mission while also meeting agricultural zoning requirements.
Fulfilling our mission means spending time with...
This colorful and often discouraging story of evangelism, Bible translation, church life—and syncretism—among a language group in Nicaragua presents a powerful case for faithfulness in every way as we reach out to the unreached. With poignant personal stories, Ben introduces us to the...
At the link below you can watch a 1.5-hour video where Paul Shirk explains how we received the Canon of Scripture. We can know what God intended us to receive as Scripture. Here is an excellently guided tour of the testimony from "the apostles and prophets" on this very subject. You will bow in...
Over the past months we sometimes questioned whether the new All-Nations building would become a reality. Navigating agricultural zoning requirements and our needs as an organization was not easy!
God kept turning all the stoplights green, and we are making plans to build. Thank you for...
We are preparing to send out our Summer Newsletter! If you have not been receiving our newsletters in the mail, go to the following link and sign up by August 5 to get on this mailing list.
May was a busy month here at State College, PA. But what an enjoyable sort of busyness! Three major events took our focus and built to a climax during the last weekend.
Today we are moving into our second day of Orientation for new members. We have a full agenda with introduction to all things ABT, and even some time slotted for working in the prayer garden—getting ready for the crowds coming next week. It's exciting to jump into preliminary Bible Translation...
Registration is open for next month's event, but closes on May 1. Please register in the next 5 days.
EXPLORE ABT—Who is it for?