All-Nations teams are sent and supported by their churches in partnership with All-Nations. This partnership includes finances. All-Nations typically contributes one third of each team’s support. The sending churches also contribute one third or more, depending how...
"I believe that we have only begun to scratch the surface of the possibilities of the power of God, of what He can do, what He intends to do."
— Cameron Townsend, founder of Wycliffe Bible Translators
There are no closed doors to the gospel—provided that, once you get inside, you don't care if you ever come out.
—Brother Andrew
Miami Valley New Conference German Baptist Congregations
Wednesday, April 3, 6:30pm
Ahava Tree Building
6185 North Diamond Mill Road
Brookville, OH 45309
Contact: John Sink ( 937) 313-4684
Speaker: Bryant Martin (State College...
Fulfilling the Great Commission calls followers of Jesus to communities that are difficult to enter. Once the target area is identified, a team may need to work for several years to gain long-term access. Permissions need to be granted at several levels, and friendships established every step of...
All-Nations Bible Translation is partnering with
Sustainable Development Solutions...
The genius of language is precisely its capacity to express thoughts which the people have not heard before.
—Eugene Nida
We expect a surgeon to spend years in training before he attempts his first surgery. Likewise, a lawyer spends years in law school before he represents a case in court. Should a missionary go to the field without training? Should a translator translate the Scriptures with no preparation?
...“All languages and dialects are bearers of identity.” John Edwards: Sociolinguistics, a very short introduction
Where are All-Nations projects?
Where are All-Nations projects?